Friday, 23 November 2012

City Illustrations - Rowan Moore book cover

I am in the process of reading this book - so more comment on it in the future. For the moment I just want to have a post centred around this illustration - just the sort of thing I admire.

Friday, 5 October 2012

Essex House

I know this is a bit random because I haven't added anything to this blog for over a year. Its not there hasn't been anything to "catch my eye", but I guess I have allowed things that "catch my time" to dampen the spirit.
I came across this in bdonline. It wouldn't be out of place in Russia. Good luck to the designers and to Living Architecture for commissioning it.
Since publishing this post earlier today my copy of the RIBA Journal was delivered. The image is featured on the cover and the article inside explains that Living Architecture is a commercial venture by philosopher Alain de Botton. This is one of several holiday homes which amongst other things have an educational purpose to the extent that he calls the venture a "social enterprise". I think I am even more impressed.